Ту-Телл, УП

Ту-Телл, УП
Hrodna, Belarus
Company info
Name | УП "ТУ-Телл" Legal entity |
УНП | 590004884 |
Country | Belarus |
Region | Grodno Reg. |
City | Hrodna |
Address | Советских Пограничников 91-141 |
Status: | not in the state of termination |
Webpage: | www.tutell.com |
Activities |
Fields of operation: | International International |
Date of registration on Lardi-trans | 22.10.2008 |
Date of last visit: | 28.03.2025 |
Lardi-trans clients | Yes |
Reliability zone
Outcoming: | 70 reviews | 2 claims |
Incoming: | 46 reviews Positive: 43 Negative: 3 | 5 claims Open: 0 Closed Repayment: 5 Closed Declined: 0 |
Freight, truck and tender offers
Freight: | 68 |
Vehicle: | 16 |
Tenders | 0 |